Friday, 10 January 2014

5-D Film introduction

5-D Film is an application of harmonic vibrations in image, sound and frequencies to create an experience beyond what the media of Cinema and Theatre have been able to offer so far.  With a Profound Understanding of the mechanics, psychology and metaphysics of hyper-dimensional energy porting we can truly awaken a global Cinema and Theatre audience.

As technology reaches the limit of speed and human perception, we will move from a technology-based entertainment industry to an experience-based entertainment industry. At this point, entertainment progress will be measured in emotional and spiritual impact, no longer in the compliance to high spec technology. 

5-D Film offers the best in this new, revolutionary field of Cinema and Theatre presentation. We will apply our knowledge of the Universal vibration to film, to move spiritual, mental and physical energies and we will do this in a new, distinct, yet broad and modern audience-oriented way. The modern consumer needs bite-size psychoactive entertainment and enlightenment, not slow, lecturing new age concepts that are very difficult to understand how to be employed in the real world. 

Our approach to 5-D film will keep the modern audience tuned in - for the largest part even without them knowing it. It is meditation for a smart, hungry, media snacking audience. The beauty of it all is that the best way to channel energy is through a story and the best visual stories are told in cinema and theatre.
5-D Film and theatre is a reality.