The curent state of Children's Media
Current Children's television works from a core of entertainment with an add-on of educational content, social values and artistic qualities. Producers of Children's entertainment more often than not tell themselves they are only interested in entertaining their child audience and making a buck doing this and try to steer away from any deeper thougths, abstract concepts and promotion of critical thinking. Childrens Media industry paublications will only discuss profitability of content and likelihood of Wallmart merchandising sales - even artistic merit is no point on the agenda. After all, television programs are there to entertain (keep kids glued to the screen) and sell toys (yes, today that included public broadcasters' IP) and children have enough on their plate to not have to sit through mental stimulation in their television programming as well.
The programs ARE of course plenty stimulating mentally, just of an unstructured kind without much thought having gone into the impact of narrative content and structure, psychology and spiritual interpretation of the translation of archetypal energy visualization. One cannot run away from correspondence - it is there regardless of opinion or intention.
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The human family like a tree: a fractal connecting all, a repeating pattern throughout space and time |
Just looking at what is entertaining to children, we find stories based on parabels, fables, myth and folk tale. Stories laying out human nature, core concepts of social structure, psychology, phisiology and a promise of natural and supernatural powers, besides mental gain. And certain patterns and pretty colours work better than others. Why? Because they tap into exactly these areas as well: structure, construction, opposition, addition, purity, organic and energetic flow. There's no hiding from the fact story is metaphorical psychology and all story does work on an alchemical tranformational level.
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Screen time for the little ones is increasing year on year |
Soul nourishing content
As reported in industry publications and research papers, today's Western teens and tweens state they feel they have nothing to live for. That is a very sad state of affairs as these people are on their way to becoming a lost generation. They have chased Twitter tallies and Instagram followers and they have stared into the bottomless abyss of digital distraction and plastic utopia consumerism. This generation of people cries out for a feeding of their soul, for a purpose in life beyond the next generation iDevice. Mass media like television, film and the digital space are able to provide more depth and to point people in the direction of self-improvement, furtherment of mental and soul studies and a hint at a possible relationship with the self, the higher self and the highest self. Sadly, finding a program or channel that actually provides these qualities is neigh impossible. Perhaps that is because in a commercial world we can't work with concepts that don't sell in a jar or in a download, but are found within and in the space between loving people.
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A kaleidoscopic image as found on Baby TV: potentially an expression of Dharma at its best |
As a society we should seriously be discussing the implications of Quantum Mechanics in the shaping of our realities. This discussion starts with our children - literally - as they will carry the subject further than we ever have been able to. That is, as long as they are considering the subject at the earliest possible media-consuming age. These days, that's Baby TV. As the squares and circles on the screen bounce around merily, the deepest philosophical question can already been posed: can the circle be squared?
From a perspective of pure neurology and froma standpoint of Tabula Rasa (a clear slate mind), if you try to deliver information at an age later than the great neural pathway build, that does not fit in with a preconceived perception and belief system, the average person’s mind cannot deal with this. This is mainly because of the key factor of understanding. The brain's dictionary needs to contain the concept or information and its cross-referencing system has to make the logical connection to process the information. Anything outside of the parameters of familiarity cannot be comprehended or processed easily and properly and understood or utilised and will not be integrated into one's belief and perception system. It will not become a permanent change, or influence one in a profound way.
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Tabula Rasa: the mind as a blank slate |
However, this purely physical and rather antiquated Enlightenment view (Voltaire, Locke, rebelling against a Magical world view) does not take into account real world every day evidence - anybody with multiple children, especially twins, triplets or quads, knows no two minds are alike and nature is incredibly strong compared to nurture, although both very much apply. Conscious brain building through education is but one of three factors shaping our inner world, driving our throughts and actions - all is based on trinities. The subconscious mind has an enormous impact on our actions and thoughts and this behemoth of decision making bases its conclusions very much on perceived social importance and acceptance. This subconscious mind is also fed by the shared consciousness / the field of morphic resonance found within the Earth's Electro-magnetic field. Thirdly, there is the Soul's knowledge and understanding that is timeless, irrepressable and often finds expression in that famous 'Gut Feeling' - an instict preceding conscious decision making that often turns out to be right, especially when ignored. What we have to do is to allow the full trinity of voices to come through, to be listened to counsciously and not to repress our inborn or learned wisdom. In order to do this we first need to know the sound of all three voices and not allow one particular voice to shout over the others. This is ultimately the greatest gift we can posibly give to our children's generation - a tool for balanced, human, natural, educated and divine reasoning.
Take the deeper meaning of the Kaleidoscope as a representation of the mandala: an expression of the concept of Dharma. Dharma is the proto reality in from of the fire in Plato's Cave: we humans only see its shadows on the cave wall. Only introspection can reveal this proto world as the outside world we observe (or rather project) with our eyes is already within the realm of the shadows. Understanding this concept and working with it will allow our children to step over the confusing metaphors we have created and cut to the chase, drill down to the core, resolve the issues of today and tomorrow by working proactively with causes rather than reactively with results. This deeper undertanding goes down to Quantum levels and the great atomic agreement, leading to sympathetic vibration and the law of correspondence. All these concepts start with the 100th monkey or sheep story. The laws of physics are what they are because of an agreement, not because of pure random chaos. Randomness would mean constant change, agreement means stability until a better way is found or until an argument is started. This viewpoint also means there is a structure and reason to life, the Universe and everything and there is no excuse for mindless excesses, abuse, rape and pillaging of other human beings, life on Earth and the planet itself. There are ethical rules, there is a higher law, there is higher consciousness and there is spiritual agreement.
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Buddha Mandala: Kaleidoscope 2.0 |
Why not stimulate the mind and nourish the soul of our youngest viewers? Should we be bitter, angry and cynical and teach them only the merits of consumption, individualism and the abandonment of hope, with only a plastic toy as a reward for good TV viewing? Of course we don't set out to do this as an industry, but what DO we tell our children through the television content we serve them at the moment? Be happy, be yourself, be creative, think and explore your world. Right, so the core principle of the message is an external version of of the Third Way as taught by Buddha but why do we not also give our children the tools to investigate these paths of discovery internally? Our children have thoughts and dreams, they ponder life and death, concepts of heaven and reincarnation, spirits, energies and superpowers. Modern media taunts children with the concepts of superpowers but no tools are provided to investigate their real world equivalents. Superficial hapiness, social popularity and an industrious work ethic are not superpowers, they are fleeting ideas that do not satisfy and lead to a desire to consume more and thus endebt oneself more.
A common remark heard within the Children's industry is: "These types of subject are not appropriate for children's media". Where do we draw the line then on what subjects we use to entertain? Where is the etheric neutrality in telling an African folk tale on how the elephant got his trunk, showing a mythological history of Thor and his hammer Mjolnir and interdimensional aliens helping boys to become men by giving them matter-transforming technology? It is better to grab the big white elephant in the room by its tusks and tell these same stories with constructive humanist, psychological and spiritual consciousness. The story will still entertain - in fact better than ever - but this time the side effects are pure, core mental growth.
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Ben 10: interdimensional matter-bending fun |
As entertainers and parents we have to answer Humanist and deeper ethical questions Children are naturally curious and they will ask you how things work and why. So how DO we explain big concepts of the Universe to children, when is a good time for what level of information and what do we say they themselves can do with this information?
A Christian might have trouble explaining to a four year-old where exactly Jesus lives - in the rafters of the church or maybe up on the cloud overhead, in a little chamber in the Heart perhaps. And what exactly is his relationship with Santa Claus? Are both magical and if not, how are they different? And what happens when you child comes home from school with candy celebrating Eid or Diwali? As a parent you are going to have to engage with complicated issues of difference in opinion on belief. Even an atheist parent will find him- or herself in a difficult spot when a child asks what caused the Big Bang, what lies beyond the Universal bubble we can see, what hapens in those other dimensions and parallel universes, how come there is no definitive end to the number Pi and what quantum mechanics really says about our reality.
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The Amplituhedron: simplifying QM calculations |
Take a schooling subject that has become controversial recently: Evolution Theory. In school we teach that animals evolve through natural selection. How the process happens is not known - which is why it is called a theory - and supplying our children with a framework to consider multiple possiblities would be a healthy route to take. We could say that the animal decides to change tact and allows for his or her children to grow a new bodypart, but does this subconsciously rather than consciously. The change in body part might happen as a random mutation and the animals living with this mutation survive better than the ones without, but the change happens. So the possiblities are that the change happens either completely randomly, after a subconscious decision or after a conscious one. And then there is option four where the change doesn't happen at all and the animal was created in a particular way by a greater consciousness. To give our children the tool of consideration is a great gift. At that point they can contemplate the workings of consciousness and its interaction with the quantum potential field or ignore this possiblity. But these thoughts open the door to contemplation of the potential power we hold within ourselves to shape our own bodies through higher frequency DNA activation, epigenetics and the morphogenic field. If it is possible we certainly must investigate the possiblity and learn to work with it consciously rather than allowing our subconscious to run the show for us. The bigger point is that all theories change and will continue to change at an ever a faster rate in a post-classical physics world so what will count for our children is an ability to disseminate and postulate, theorize and think outside the box completely, not just quote theories that are outdated within a week.
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Earth is not flat and Space is not flat etiher. Illustration by Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Project |
Earth is not flat and Space is not flat etiher. So why depict it as a flat surface? It requires a different
frame of mind completely to illustrate Space in a shape approximating reality. Here lies a potential task of Children's Media: supply the concepts that promote true three- and four-dimensional type of thinking. Why is this relevant? One great example is the programming of a Quantum Computer: currently, scientists are not sure Quantum Computers do what they think they do, nobody truly understands just how they calculate their data and every calculation requires complete reprogramming of the computer. Future operators of the QC will be able to calculate solutions to problems unfathomable to us but a new way of thinking, understanding and intuing is required.
Current examples
There is a handful of childrens television shows that dip their toes into the pond of deeper philosophical and mystical questions. One can wonder whether this happens consciously or unconsciously, although that doesn't matter as much as the question of whether etherics are employed simply to sell a few more toys or whether the intention is one of helping children discover themselves on a deeper level.
Take pre-school show Waybuloo: the four animal creatures in this mixed CGI-live-action series practice Yoga from time to time although their bodies are the worst possible design to communicate Yoga positions. When a state of Nirvana is reached - after about one pose - the cat, bear, rabbit and monkey float up and fly around hapily. Fantastic to see Yoga promoted this way, absolutely. Perhaps it is nitpicking to complain about the character designs making it impossible to see how the Yoga position is to be executed but yeah, it doesn't help much.
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Waybuloo: Yoga for toddlers |
One example that made it to live-action big budget Hollywood feature film remake is Avatar: The Last Airbender. Fantastic to see the power of employing the Four Elements explained, albeit in a rather violent way. Attacking with water rather than inviting it to cleanse and protect one internally. It is great the concept of the Elements is introduced to a young viewing audience and certainly interesting to introduce the connection between Elements and the Four Corners of the Earth and its peoples. It is certainly possible to do this as well with our current world and its cultural and political boundaries.
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Avatar - The Last Airbender: elemental magic |
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Mask Masters: the Elemental Animals of the Quarters |
A great example of an attempt to teach children the merits of Chi Gung (very similar to the better known forms of Tai Chi and Kung Fu) is 'Tree Fu Tom'. It's basic electro-magnetics and energy flow through the body, which is of course step one to reconnecting with our energetic body. Try it for yourself and feel the energy flow. A caffinated sugar drink will NOT do the same thing for your energy levels, sharpness of mind, vitality, hapiness and general wellbeing. Yoga and Chi Gung should probably be part of everyday school but no chance of this hapening when the teachers, governors, councillors, ministers and senators making up the curriculum don't understand about the merits. So again the media: television, film and online digital media & Apps can help to lay the base for a brigter future for energetic humanity.
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Tree Fu Tom shows how to move your Chi on the iPad |
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Chakra: weaponizing the energetic power of the Chakras |
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Adventure Time: Free flowing concepts from one Astral Plane |
We, as media producers and parents, have to allow our children to take control of their fate, without losing control of their destiny. Because that is exactly the place we find ourselves in as a species right now and we're going nowhere fast.
Visit for more information on how deeper philosophical, metaphysical, spiritual, esothetric and shamanic techniques and stories can be employed in your next television and film production.