You may be a director looking for ways to implement metaphysics in film, theatre, television, animation or web production. Or perhaps you are a producer looking for crew with the right intention to impact your project's end result on a higher energetic level. This is the 5-D place to find higher minded film, theatre and television professionals.
Storytelling today: the modern script
The majority of current film and television scripts appear to be following a trend alongside directions society is moving in. It is an expression of scientism as an approach to humanity in characterization and story structure. What we read, hear and observe in daily life is translated to story. The dominant story at the moment is the agnostic scientific one and so contemporary story follows this path as well. In scientism, love is not a divine energy opening our hearts to allow for higher will to express itself, but a simple bio-chemical reaction in the brain with no further meaning or higher purpose. This mode of thinking, if continued unopposed, will result in the realisation of a Neo-Promethean promise of a robotic human future led by a Machine Spirit, with the only glimmer of individuality remaining in the shape of a Ghost in the Machine as the only allowance for non-programmed decisions. The Substantia Prima has gone from being pure Love to being a Higgs-Boson particle. The soul is dead, long live the bio-electric program.
deprivation of sensual pleasure is not a sanctified road to the truth. In fact, Soul Sensing completes the 360
degrees of experience rather than sticking to a narrow 5 degree angle of sensory
input. By deflating the explanatory
compulsions of psychological theory we direct our attention to our lived world,
calling into play the aesthetic, that is, the sensing, imagining heart.
In the modern scientific philosophy there is no goal, no aim, just random chaos from which only luck shapes our current situation. In this model all your brain activity is a result of pure luck and chemical chaos, including all of your logical thinking, artistic expression, feelings, emotions, dreams and higher etheric insights. This message of no responsibility and no consequences means the modern day story is changing from one of character's choices to one of characters propping up the current level of comfort to remain for as long as possible and to destroy adversaries to this comfort at all costs. There is no view to lessons learned from mistakes leading to disaster and no regard for concepts such as personal growth, humanity, spirituality or any sort of purpose. This can be called an accurate reflection of the going social attitude, where I'd say the types of stories being told are instructing society in its morals, in the lessons to be learned and in its definition of humanity. In tandem with this trend, focus has shifted from a Hero's Journey to a Villain's Journey. Villains can be redeemed and no pirces need be paid, while Heros don't need to make any big decisions or Leaps of Faith, never needing to rely on trust, only on calculated cleverness. The mask of the false self can reamin on, uncomfortable confrontations with choices between the dark self and the true self stay out of the picture. Acting from the Heart is an unpopular activity anyway.
There has to be this mention of the question of science versus the etheric, esoteric, magical. But why do the two need to be pitted against each other? There is no reason why the two cannot work together to allow for new routes to be taken in the quest for understanding and employment of understanding for a better life. Science as an approach to knowledge actually comes from Magic and science was even called magic for the largest part of Mankind's history. The systems developed by Mankind to be able to practice efficient magic turned into the base pillars of science. Schematic, structured working, holding the all in the mind to grasp the greater connections and pathways to the core of knowledge. Looking at what lies beyond the surface of that which is visible to the naked eye. Revealing that which is occluded: the occult.
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5-D and the paradox of existence as the great teacher of consciousness |
Ironically, the great 'gods' of science like Pythagoras, Newton and Copernicus were working from a framework of Magic or were even Master Freemasons themselves. Were they revealing knowledge rather than inventing? Did the Ancient philosophers not all study in Heliopolis and come back with great ideas about the construct of the Universe? The very idea of schematic representation and the catching of the whole of existence in a diagram was ultimately a creation of the biggest magi and mystesists of the past milennium: Giordano Bruno and Ramon Lull. Without their visions and desire for a true understanding and internal containment of God's full creation, we wouldn't have had flowcharts today. Time spent in libraries, magnetic caves and geomagnetic mountain tops appears to do something equal to all philosophers (now called scientists or gurus): return with great knowledge and understanding of the building blocks of our reality. A great irony of our time is that science in its beginnings was never supposed to replace mysticism or spirituality, but to contribute tools to an unveiling of the full divine beauty of all that was observed (and thus quantum state locked into stable existence). We seem to have reversed the process in our quest for some limited, measurable, abstract truth.
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Phi and its Fibonnacci expression in nature and ultimately in human form, size and energy center locations |
Science is of course incredibly important to our way of life. We are alive in the wealth and health we enjoy becasue of science (even though one can easily argue we used to live much, much longer lives with much more power and ability before our current civilization developed). At 5DLux we work with science 100% but we allow as much of a voice to quantum mechanical and string theories as to vibrational frequency healing theories. If the effects are apparent, there is no reason not to. The issue with science is that if there is no way to currently measure what causes a certain ethetic effect, the effect is simply ignored. A simple example is the ability of birds to sense the magnetic patterns eminating from the Earth's surface to find their way from A to B. Because no organ has been found in birds to exaplain this ability, it is called a scientific problem and then simply disregarded. An explanation that involves senses finer than the blunt tools on the surface of the animal will not be considered because that would fall outside of the current scientific framework. And so the problem is not resolved, while an investigation into the true workings of magnetic super-sensitivity could (and certainly would) herald the dawn of a new scientific-mystic crossover Era. A science with consciousness, an intuitive science, inquisitive, open and objective. Not a science that is outcome-led, restricting itself to set trules and equations. A science allowing for the unseeable, within a framework of reasonable doubt.
And yes, If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck and Quacks like a Duck, it is not always actually a Duck... One has to keep one's mind open to all the possibilities, especially when the outcome of research yields uncomfortable results.
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The mechanial Duck of Vaucanson |
Divine Will
The concepts of divine will, astrological influence and interaction with higher level vibrational realities all mean there is a certain senior oversight, an adult supervision and consequence to our actions. These concepts mean we need to behave in a grown-up fashion and act responsibly. Judging by today's story telling this is currently a very unpopular sentiment. Ultimately, the inability to connect with our higher selves and higher concepts in favour of following basic consumerist impulses will inevitably lead to our destruction (without eleventh hour miraculous technological, resource-independent solutions) and at the very least will lead to desolation and a loss of any goals or aims. Modern day media appears to gleefully embrace the approaching brick wall for humanity - after all, panic and doom sell. Our ability to shape the Quantum Potential Field for our own direct benefit is then obviously also ignored and Man will not know himself, or only know a thin physical veneer on a infinitely larger, hidden reality.
The etheric approach introduces fate AND destiny (two very different things), leading to responsibility - not taking it away by shoving into the hands of higher entities and energies but putting it firmly in the hands of the protagonist (a main character in a sotry or you in real life). A complete ignorance of higher realities can be argued to create more responsibility by means of putting all of the actions and consequences into human hands, but pray do tell me, how is that working out for greater humanity at the moment? The end result is a justification of the smash and grab free for all society we live in today. Basically, what we see is a pure left-brain approach over a balanced left-right brain collaboration. Pure left brain existence is a dictatorship of logic, reason and an unquestioned compliance to rule and imposed truth. Pure right-brain existence is floaty, with no calculation of elements, only emotion and sensuousness and little to no filtration of fact versus fiction. As much as Body, Mind and Soul need to be balanced, so need the two brain parts be connected and communicating. The place of this communication is the Corpus Callosum, the Centre, the Core, the Connection, the Paradox, the Singularity. This is where we operate from at 5DLux.
Story plays an incredibly important role in reminding the audience of their humanity, of their consciousness, of their soul and of their ultimate power and a positive way in which to use that power on this planet. The etheric approach also introduces the concept of mutual energetic benefit in the form of correspondence, through the concept of the Temple of Man. A very powerful tool and one that is almost mad to ignore. But then again, as Rudolph Steiner put it so well: to find the Macrocosm of the Universe in the Microcosm of Man means not only access to all this immense power within Man, but a realisation that the pollution of the body is a pollution of the Cosmos. An epic level of responsibility is introduced - or highlighted!
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Correspondence, a core concept of the original Gnostic magic-scientific crossover system: Hermeticism |
When you boil it down, Consciousness is the process of analytical refinement. Observing effects and analyzing them trough a diagram that goes from the generic to the specific. When that diagram includes more possibilities of explanation, a wider consciousness can be employed to analyze effects and to come to a wider variety of conclusions. David Lynch puts it nicely with his golfball analogy. More possibilities do not proclude each other and more often than not actually complement each other. Why, you are more than welcome as a writer, producer or director to keep producing the same old, or rather, the Brave New stories and change absolutely nothing in the potential destiny of your audience, young and old. For those seeking to contribute to the soul and to widen the consciousness of their audience, keep reading and get in touch.
The concept of alchemy is known and employed within different fields and products most of us are familiar with. Homeopathic remedies (Dr. Vogel), macrobiotic food (Biona), holistic make-up (Dr. Hauschka), holistic schooling (Steiner) and synethesiast art (Goethe) are examples employing the principles.
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Multiple vibrational levels, multiple energetic bodies. Core concepts of Alchemy and Antroposophy |
Since alchemy considers the physical form to be a result of energetic processes, a last step in the refinement of vibration from the generic to the specific, the alchemical view looks at root causes of effects and not just the physical end results. The bio electro-chemical processes in the body are but an expression of the higher energetic realities materializing the body. Attempting to measure the energetic from a physical level results in frustration but not being able to see a cause does not mean it is not there. Were magnetism, radioactivity and molecular chemical function not there when Man could not register and measure their existence? In the mind of the pre-modern scientist the concepts must have sounded like fiction and even heresy. So indeed as well with current scientists who cannot measure etheric realities yet, even when quantum mechanics are getting close to finding and redefining these causes.
A Michael Bay loophole for 5-Dimensional results
Besides the various vibrational and archetypal ways the Third Eye and Crown can be activated and opened (ask us about this), there is a loophole for those alchemical screenwriters and film makers looking to keep the screen filled with sex, violence and greasy food, whilst still opening up the pathways to higher understanding (Yeay!). This loophole can be found in the biochemical function of the glands representing the Third Eye and the Crown chakra: the Pineal gland and the Pituitary gland. Once stimulated, the corresponding chakra may be activated and Third Eye visions and Crown bridge connections can result. Ironically, the stimulating imagery is of the most basic survival kind - although the Alchemists amongst you will know there is no irony at play here at all.
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Glands and Chakras in the Head. Understanding actual anatomy is key to placing the energy centers that the Chakras are correctly so as to be able to activate them in the most and best ways as well. |
Purely bio-chemically speaking and ignoring the higher vibrational functions of the pineal gland (including DMT production), the pineal gland (epiphysis cerebri) is responsible for the regulation of:
- Hibernation
- Sexual development
- Seasonal breeding
- Metabolism: the conversion of food into energy
The pituitary gland (hypophysis), then, is responsible for:
- Blood pressure
- Sex organ functions in both males and females
- Metabolism: the conversion of food into energy
- Water and osmolarity regulation in the body
- Water balance via the control of reabsorption of water by the kidneys
- Temperature regulation
- Pain relief
So one can show the visual elements realted to these functions to activate the glands. One could show a fire, a hot desert, a sweaty jungle, rain, sea and lake and water drinking, food, fruit, vegetables and eating, good and bad pain endurance, high action for blood pressure and of course sex, erotic and stimulating imagery. Ideally all at the same time. This, whilst using lower light levels and showing yawning, sleepy and sleeping people and beds, pyjamas and sleep related items. Sungazing imagery can also do the trick.
The use of mantras and chanting can also gradually awaken the pineal but one would need to convince the audience to start chanting / singing with the film. The point of this approach is that once the Third Eye and Crown have been stimulated, the following imagery and messages should reflect concepts of higher consciousness and allow access to information furthering positive energy communication. In modern film, the message is rather more one of violence resolving all and the ends justifying all means. No wonder we've grown increasingly numb to violence on screen and in real life.
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Belenos, the Sun |
Qualia & quality as secondary results versus quantity and its primary results.
Spirituality can be called another word for the action and the prerequisits of connecting to the higher self, like Yoga and meditation are and do. The truth lies within you, it is only a matter of exposing it and becoming aware of it, conscious in other words. Consciousness is the name of the game. Even the core scientific concepts of Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are a description of consciousness. The observer sets the framework of time, the observer collapses the quantum state. Without observation there is no absolute reality other than a physical tendency based on Fine Structure and Cosmological Constant agreements.
It will probably surprise most current day scientists to discover that both Einstein and Planck were spiritual and mystical in their views. Both men were religious and both based their concepts on the assumption of the existence of a 'Medium' or a Quantum Potential Field, a Harmonic Field allowing and shaping energy communication and itself shaped by consciousness. Agnostic science is a very new phenomenon and is in essence a reductionist exersice in stripping down reality to its soulless, unrelated and unrelatable machine parts.
Do you remember a rose by its description of a red, luscious, beautifully smelling flower or do you get a feeling of hapiness inside when the number of atoms, electrons, Higgs-Boson particles and their quantum potential states are named? Is that unrelatable, unimaginable part "the truth" and does such a truth provide us with an escape from responsibility for our actions? Such diminishing removed definition of the road we walk on and bars ideals and goals to work towards because it ultimately it allows us to be units of chaos-formed DNA machines without value, purpose or sense of ourselves and our environment. Dramatically speaking, that is.
We are talking about the quality
of perception here: Soul sensing. The battle is that of secondary qualities versus primary
qualities, but why can we not honour both? A quality experience can be achieved through
a film product of very high artistic quality, helped by technical quality (providing
an unobstructed or more intense experience).
However, a quality experience – a satisfying of the soul senses – can
also be achieved through the use of soul sense-reaching techniques: 5-D
film. Here, we agree with Democritus,
Dahlin, Berkeley, Goethe and Steiner.
The physical senses can struggle to reach the soul senses, but the soul senses
reach both the physical senses and they activate etheric energy flow for a
spiritual experience. Primary qualities
such as shape or figure, size and extension, motion or rest are ultimately pure
abstractions, for they are never actually separable in our immediate experience
from so-called secondary qualities such as colour, sound, light and darkness,
heat and cold etc.
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John Locke, proponent of the importance of Primary Senseand the Tabula Rasa. Inspired Voltaire a lot. |
Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse ultimately died of modern Western society's failure to embody and respect the reality of the inner realm. Our time is full of heroes from the Renaissance and of course such an age has its dawn again. The Divine in us all, the Light and Wisdom we possess solely by the fact that we are human. - Abraham von Worms, The Book of Abramelin
If you disagree with this modern model that has moved away from the roots of our cultures, consciousness and global humanity, you have come to the right place. Or perhaps you agre with the staunch scientific mind but you are looking to add a layer of deep, archetypal humanity to your writing. Or maybe you just want to influence your audience through subliminal psychological messages and special frequencies. We can all believe in and know of the importance of transformational potential in story and ultimately, the immense importance of transformation through insight and trust, leading to action from the Heart, choice and change in character, people and ultimately, humanity.
Besides providing access to a community of professionals engaged in the implementation of 5-Dimensional finer vibrational and etheric techniques in media, 5DLux is probably also the only place where you will be able to gain access to real information sourced from ancient mystery schools and hidden, if not forbidden sources of information for your film, theatre or television production. Not only can you write about mystical subjects, you can use the power within the occult concepts to add a whole new layer of energy and emotional depth to your project. May we build Adocentyn in the Nova Hyperborea of our Minds and the Heliopolis of our Hearts.
Contact 5DLux