All healing begins and ends with self-acceptance. Life is a struggle of self-acceptance and the less we are in connection with who we know we are, physically, mentally and spiritually, the less balanced we are in life and health. This may sound far from our daily reality and a difficult concept to work with on a practical basis; how can we be more ourselves when we get out of bed, prepare our breakfast, brush our teeth and get out the door to get to work? There is a simple way to start the day with pure being one self, self recognition and self-acceptance.
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Good morning, goodbye Moon and welcome Sun |
Step one of being one self, being centered and living from one's core is grounding. Connecting with the ground - literally physically but also mentally and spiritually. Stepping into the back yard bare-feet is the ultimate expression of this but before that, and in case you don't have a back yard to step into, stepping out of bed and touching the floor with your feet consciously. Imagining your feet sinking deep into the Earth, rooting to its core through thick, rich life-giving ground, while your body stretches all the way up through the roof, through the clouds, through the Solar System, above our Galaxy, all the way to the brightest light of the Cosmic Centre - connecting the base hum of Earth with the highest vibrational frequency of the Eternal Light. Realize you are part of the Light and breath in the understanding you are shaping the Universe through your conducting of the Light. Let that warmth flow like a nice hot morning shower, breathe it in and soak it up - it may be raining outside but your entire body is now filled with warmth and light to brighten up the day.
And allowing the light to fill your entire body, come back down from the Cosmic Centre and unearth your fet from the planet's core. Step away from the spot you were standing just now and shake your legs, feet, arms and head. Realize you are in the here and now, not tomorrow, not yesterday, not in 10 minutes and in a different room but here and now. Because in the end, that is where you are - so be that for a moment before you allow your mind to fill your head with thoughts of what to do next and where to run off to.
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Vortexes, energy flow, Cosmic Male and Female energy movement |
So grounding is literally Step 1 in any conscious action, let alone in any conscious morning routine. Step 2 is movement. Logical, yes, but what kind of movement? Why, rotation of course. Rotation is spin, spin is the core principle of 4-Dimensional reality. 3-Dimensional shape rotates, spins. Everything spins at all times, from the smallest quanta, photons, protons, neutrons, electrons to atoms, molecules, planetary bodies, solar systems, galaxies, the Cosmos itself. Wheel within wheel within wheel of endles rotation (until the next Big Bang that is the beginning and end of Brahman's current breath).
And activating this huge concept at any time of day is as Easy as 1, 2, 3 (or is it 3, 6, 9?) - Easy, peasy, orange-squeezy, a cuppa hot Joe and a paradoxical Donut hole.
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Rotation, spin, correspondence with the Universe and the Chakras |
Activate the Vortexes, activate the energy flow and pull in the corresponding energies. Rotate all that can be rotated and find the rotating points match the Chakra energy points. Rotate your toes (hold on to something), your akles (both ways, three rotations each if you like), bend your knees (three times each again), rotate your legs at the hip, do the hula / rotate the hips, rotate the midriff (focus on the Heart), rotate the arms, bend them, rotate the wrists and rotate the fingers. Then rotate the head / the neck and rotate the whole body on its own axis. If you feel up to it, do a cartwheel and a salto - but don't worry about such advanced extensions. Of course very healthy extensions to this morning routine are Yoga and Chi Gung, both moving and activating energy throughout the physical body and higher bodies.
Awakened is a healthy mind in a healthy body - at least eventually. When the full body is awoken, activated and well oiled (healthy), the mental and spiritual energy can flow unobstructed. Obviously, a healthy diet is an integral part of bodily health and part of such a high vibrational frequency whole food diet should definitely be the integration of 12 varieties of cell salts - guaranteeing EM and higher etheric energy conductivity. It is very much an alchemical interplay of the multiple bodies - from physical to mental, spiritual, higher self, divine will and more. And all that through a bit of hula-hooping and breakdancing! At least you now understand the point of the Derwish dance and the Waltz a bit better...
Being awoken
Be aware that when you tuly awake your entire being, all your energy centers will beam. Your physical Identity and Ego, your Sexual Drive, Violence and Anger, Communication and Astral Visions will all be humming and singing. It can be an activation in tandem. So you need the strong Mind and the illuminating Heart to balance all that energy and cope with it without jumping up and down in a mad dance of energetic abundance. Now, the Mind truly is a Gatekeeper, holding the Key to balance.
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Chakra Bidges and activation in threes |
Now that you've found a great way to awakening, you mihgt want to help awaken more people or employ these and many more techniques in your next work of narrative or non-narrative fiction - film, television, theatre, books, online, Apps and so forth. It's possible! Contact 5DLux to find out more.