Space-time folding in local Wormhole teleportation style has an ancient application that works through the uttering of a single word. A name that is called the 'Verbum Significatum' by some. The concept of the 73rd name of God is one of our dearest mystical research subjects and it refers to the 72 + 1 known names of God (although it is unclear exactly which god is referred to) as 5 degree refractions on the 2-Dimensional wheel representing the totality of the Divine Light. Hit the hyperspace jackpot with the 3 7s of 73.
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The wheel as an index of the available energies and powers that can be called upon in one form or another. |
Each refraction - each angle - each section of the wheel represents an aspect of the light and can be called down in the form of an angel and/or demon in Magickal Kabalistic tradition. The 73rd name, then, is the name only known to ascended masters and entities of the spirit world and it is a word or sound that can fold space-time. As the books and movie of Dune called it: Travelling without moving. The movie Jumper showed us what the implications are of the practice of such trans-locational displacement (to make up a term): mayhem when put in the wrong hands.
You can see how the 73rd angle on a 72-angle division of a circle must lie on a second circle or in a fold of an extended 365-degree circle. Yes, the extra 5 days at the end of the year have a relationship to the 73rd Name. It is not for nothing that the Ancient Egyptians celebrated the 5 extra days after 12 months of 30 days as a holy week. The Romans copied this celebration and named it Saturnalia, in honour of Saturn the Timekeeper (AKA Chronos, the Grim Reaper, father of Jupiter). He who travels through space and thus also time is cheating Charon, the Ferryman. No coins are due when uttering the Hidden Name!
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Jumper: instinctive inborn teleportation |
Qur'an, sura 27 (An-Naml), ayat 37-40 (note the numbers):
"Solomon said to his own men: 'Ye Chiefs! which of you can bring me the throne of Queen of Sheba before she and her envoys come to me in submission? Said an Ifrit, of the Jinns: 'I will bring it to thee before thou rise from thy council: indeed I have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted." "Said one who had knowledge of the Book: 'I will bring it to thee within the twinkling of any eye!' Then when (Solomon) saw it placed firmly before him, he said: 'This is by the grace of my Lord!"
It is not entirely clear from the Qu'ranic text whether the appearance of the throne was a physical one or an apparition. The Queen of Sheba had put the throne behind 7 doors, when the use of the 73rd word teleported the throne right out of there into Solomon's temple, or at least an image of the throne. The 7 doors read as a symbol of the inner-most part of the Queen's palace and more likely refer to the inner-most sanctuary within her body and soul - the emeral heart. Indeed, it is the Secret (Emerald) Heart that is the portal to other dimensions, supplying a doorway to the seven heavens and seven doors leading to the Divine Light itself. The exact location of this portal can be found at the 7:3 ratio point in the body. 7:3 is of course a version of that number 73.
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The 7:3 Stargate we carry inside of us |
When putting the human body against our Solar System, using true distances, the Microcosm of the Temple of Man corresponds to the Macrocosm of our Solar System. This is no surprise, as all forms in our system are made from the same elements with the same inter-body proportions, dictated by the same fractal algorithm instructing everything observable and non-observable into a Harmonic Grid Matrix (also called the Cosmic Egg).
Of specific interest for the subject of the 7:3 gateway is the area of the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter and then again the planet of Uranus. In Greek mytholgy, Uranus is father of Saturn (Chronos, time-keeper, temporal Matrix guardian), together with Gaia (Earth). Our special relationship with Uranus is underexposed by most mystical literature but it becomes more and more clear once the links are exposed. It is not coincidental that there is a great connection in movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Interstellar between portals, gateways, wormholes and Jupiter. Now for the exposure of Uranus as the counter-portal.
Sure, feel free to insert a linguistic faux pas anatomy joke in there (Ur-anus) and you may actually be touching upon the tantalizing link between Saturn as the center between the two 7:3 portals (37 and 73), its portal (wormhole) entry and Root Chakra Kundalini-energy potential uncoiling. The center between 37 and 73 is 55.
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The 7:3 gateways in the Asteroid belt and the 3:7 gateway at Uranus |
The principles of Truth are 7 and there are 7 levels with 3 sub-levels to the Cosmos in Hermetic teaching. 7 and 3, adding up to 10 (the top of the Kabalistic Tree of Life) and multiplying leads to the number 21. A great card game (Blackjack) but also a divine number describing our predicament - perhaps the name Blackjack is actually an ironic reference to our current spiritual state of being (Kali Yuga: a Dark Iron age). As we are in the 42nd breath of Brahman, 21 is the number of the out-breath before the great inhale commences, which should be just about now, judging by the Kali Yuga calendar. Not surprisingly, the number 73 can be found in places such as the fine structure constant: 7.29735257×10−3 (In physics, the fine-structure constant is a fundamental physical constant, namely the coupling constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. Being a dimensionless quantity, it has the same numerical value in all systems of units.).
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The 7:3 (70-30) stargate and the Chacana Cross |
We have all heard the stories of the Aztecs (Mexica) and their focus on the Heart as an important link to the domain of the Gods. It may be a lucky coincidence - although at 5DLux we do know those are actually very rare - but the Chakana cross as found in Aztec culture connects perfectly with the 7:3 portal. As the Gate of the Sun at Lake Titicaca - the birthplace / place of emergence of Man and his guides in Aztec religion - has a 7:3 ratio, it is logical to connect the concepts of the portal of the Heart, the portal of the gate, the Sun as a portal and the communication with the entities representing the Sun and its family (Huitzilopochtli, Quatzalcoatl). In Western religion and specifically its mystical branches, the Son / Sun of God shows the portal to the Light as being the Heart - the Sacred Heart, right at the center of the 7:3 ratio in the body.
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The Chacana Cross, the angle of ascension, the center of the body, the three Hearts and the Emerald Gateway |
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The angle of ascention: well known to ancient Egyptian high priests and Pharaos |
Another angle to the question of 360 degrees is to divide Man up into his or her 5 senses (or 5 extremes: head, arms, legs), which makes for 72 divisions per sense. Man + woman is then 720 angles / degrees. The 730th degree is the Child, the Son (and the Sun). Space-time travel is a reality right now, because of our physical bodies. So the Human body can be called the Merkabah - the Chariot of the Gods, the 73rd refraction of the Divine Light, the chip off the old block, the space-time traveling device of the soul. Does that help us to jump to the Eiffel Tower without getting on a plane? Not on the surface of things but one can always travel there Astrally or find a wormhole by looking with all your senses (360 of them) for a shortcut through the 4th Dimension.
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The Owl and the Fox: 7 and 3, Fire and Air, Fire and Transendence Also called the Lion and the Rose. |
The undividable light was refracted and brought down to Earth to experience partitioned time and space. Time doesn't exist but for the perception of light by Life of Earth, including Man. So to procreate (make babies) is to continue the existence of time and the great experiement of Soul embodiment. Without conscious experience, time ceases to be of any importance, especially its small divisions as perceived by Man. 365 divisions on a trip around the Sun, 3600 divisions (seconds) in an hour, 86,400 divisions in a full day.
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Man as the Merkabah - Chariot of the Soul as a 73rd refraction of the Divine |
Let us leave you with a last thought on that space-time fold. The divine musical frequency of 432hz (6x 72Hz): a frequency that can help in opening up portals in itself, can be represented through geometry as an Alpha and an Omega, a Horn of Plenty and a Klein Bottle. To us, that is no coincidence and we love the beautiful fact that the 73rd degree can be found in the dimensional-crossing singularity of the shape, diving well into the paradox of higher dimensional location.
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The 73rd degree as the Singularity, the point of Paradox in the bottleneck of the Horn of Plenty |
There is another angle to the story of the number 73 and its relationship to inter-dimensional travel. Our friend Anthony Morris has found through the application of something called the Partition Table (a mathematical concept) how reality can be described through the central number set 27, 37, 55, 73 and 72. The numbers 37 and 73 are delineations of our dimensional plane and cross over into lower and higher dimensions. As such, any dimensional portal or rift would appear in the presence of the number 37 or 73 in practical or conceptual form. Interesting things happen on the edge of things quantum, if Causal Dynamical Triangulation is somewhat correct then at scales smaller than the micrometer range space starts moving from 3 Dimensions to 2 Dimensions and this has all sorts of effects that may be counterintuitive (a hint at how sacred geometry might actually work within a quantum mechanical framework). Mesoscopic Optics and Quantum Thermodynamics is a rather new and emerging field. Until these fields are clear on the borderland of dimensions, we will continue to sing our songs with very particular frequencies to move energies along spatial-temporal axes.
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The Partition Table as a reality Hologram Projector |
The symbol of 7 as a hook has a very relevant historican background. The closest shape in the Hebrew alphabet is the Vav (Vau / Waw). It is the sixth letter of the Northwest Semitic family of scripts, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic ("sixth" in abjadi order; it is 27th in modern Arabic order). In Egyptian hieroglpyhs it is the Quail Chick. In Arabic and thus in most Semitic languages it represents the sound [w]. Vav literally means hook/peg/spear.
7 2 = Zayin (Sword), Bet (House)
7 3 = Zayin (Sword), Gimel (Staff sling).
Although Gimel as the third letter would translate to Gamma in Ancient Greek and C in the modern English alphabet, its shape is that of a Labda and its relationship to the modern L is undiable. So again a hook. The hook itself is represented in Hebrew as the letter Waw / Vav (number 6: macrocosm). The mathematical number Vav is a fractal number; an infinite number that loops back on itself (see the excellent explanatory math doodle video). The hook (the number 7, the letter L) as a representation of a local space-time paradox - as angles cannot be measured absolutely - is also a representation of an arm of the Galactic swirl, the
vortex with the paradoxical void of the black hole in the middle.
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Hey, what a coincidence: a Labda in the logo of NASA and the word NASA in an Abramelin Magick Square to allow for flying on a cloud. |
The Triskelion is of course a representation of this concept: three arms - three sevens - connected together. The flag of the Isle of Man, the original Korean flag and the Celtic triple spiral are famous versions of this form.
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Flag of the Isle of Man: Three legs, three sevens. |
Three sevens equals 3 x 7 = 21. So a clear link exists between the numbers 3 and 7 and then the galactic plane, space and time and finding a (worm)hole to travel through interdimensionals space to another part of the spiral or the center itself. Not surprisingly, the minimal shape required to represent or build 3-Dimensional space is a tetrahedron: a pyramid with three faces and a triangular base, constructed using three 7's (three L's) connecting four dots / angles. The totality of angles equals 720 degrees.
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The Tetrahedron and 73: Three Sevens make a Triskelion to define 3-Dimensional space (XYZ).But not all space is filled this way... |
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The Triskelion and the World Tree - representations of the Great Vortex Donut of the Realities |
And of course 73% plus 27% is 100%. Totality requires all refractions of the Divine Light that make up reality: 72, plus the 37 of hyperspace to make up the All. A clear mirror function is at play here as well.
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The number of our galaxy is 21. Its resonance frequency is 7.2 Hz. |
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