At 5DLux we engage with the deepest questions of reality, its fabric, the ability to mould and manipulate it and the results of such manipulation, and all through film techniques. As such we ask very thorough questions and explore higher and lower realms, deeper dimensions and we become honorary citizens of Hyperspace. After all, to understand the Universe is to understand the mind - as the Universe is mental. The understanding of the mental universe is of key importance to the ability to shape personal and collective reality through cinema: the very concept of 5-D Film. So let us investigate the place that is Hyperspace and how to get to it, as reflected in media, culture, philosophy and religion and as found in person through deep meditation. After all, finding the access / exit point that is the singularity is the grand prize - but where exactly does it lead?
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Hyperspace in Big Hero 6. The robot touches the human boy, teaching him about trust, faith, sacrifice and evolution through hyperspace dwelling. |
The artist is an Avatar of the Threshold Guardian, a Trixter agent. Dancing between chaos and structure, between madness and seriousness, between play and work, between left brain and right brain. The Monkey King is lost in his own game, does not realize his potential and power or is happy to play and let his true power be for what it is during the game. Perhaps it is a game of limitation, of self-frustration. The Monkey King, Loki, Esu. The 13th month, the 73rd name, part of the game and not, standing with one leg in the physical realm, one in the spirit realm. Shaman, Bird Man (the Eagle transcends, landing on Earth and roaming the Sky), Rain Maker, Wizard, Me-Sin, Merlin. The artist tells the story exposing our 12 parts, explaining who we are in all our brightness and darkness and to do this, he must travel the road, journey the wheel, see and live all parts and eventually stand in the center. The center is a void, totality, potential, no part and all parts of the great story at once. He who can live with this paradox and keep a playful yet focussed mind, will be a great artist, an entertainer, a healer, a world builder and destroyer. The sand painting that makes up the illusion of stability, harmony and construct must be wiped out to wake us up from the dream and start again. Because where is the joy in a frozen dance?
Culture is ritual - stories, characters, all representations of our body, mind and soul parts. Ritual serves a purpose - to understand ouselves better, to understand the world, to control oursleves and to control the world around us. Understanding the purpose of the ritual is key, central, vital - not knowing what you are doing or why is not only ineffective, it is potentially dangerous and it will most likely lead to dissolving of culture as more focused, purposeful and understood rituals (cultures) come in.
Meeting the Trixter - through art, meditation or in a moment of vision - is a moment of coming up for air, a brief moment of sanity, of clarity through the expression of chaos. The point is that there is no understanding of the self (Who Am I) but the understanding that this is an unknown, that 'one is' and 'one can't be' all at once, and that that is OK. There is no resolution, not end station, no escape or next stage. The appearance of another place is what keeps the whole thing going - us reaching for the next thing, the next level, the way out, the way in, whatever. I am not saying: abandon all hope, but just to be aware of what that reaching for the next thing is so that you can find the origin of that desire and find the desirer - the core of you / I. Stepping through the door: Yin checking out Yang. The door is the first and only gift / investigation by the paradox. The door isn't and is at the same time, very paradox, because is the door the frame, is it the wall around the frame or is it the hole? And how can there even be an angular frame because an angle cannot be defined, is infinite in itself. That is the only way it can be. And subsequently, if you want somebody to run circles and never go through a door, you turn the angle into a circle - another infinite shape that had no finite measure. You cannot escape an egg, a torus, a Moebius circle, by running on its surface. Only by looking up can you realize you are in a looped space and only by looking down can you see the ground leading to another side. Not the way out but at least another side. 'Out' is the void space other than the surface you are running on - non-existence in the form of perceived 'space'.
Once you go through the door you have started the journey because you have believed there is a door to go through and there is an other place to go to, an other way of being, another idea and new input. The Gate of the Sun - that is why there is a Gate at the Lake Titicaca site. It is a place where the concept was tried out with success and here we are. A Paradox experiment.
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Hanuman as the Trixter, the Monkey King, Son of the Creator and of Man, Self-proclaimed King of Fools, face of the Great Fractal of Reality. |
Behold an image of 'The Self-appointed King'. The
crown on the head of the God being the crown of the Fractal. A
self-crowned consciousness but the kingdom is within itself, infinitely
deep but by far not infinitely large. When you look at a typical Hindu
image such as Hanuman the monkey king, Trixter extraordinaire, he wears
the Fractal as a crown on his head, holds the physical plane in his hand
like a toy and wields the sceptre of self-appointed kingship. A king of
his own creation or the lunatic running the asylum with no parents in sight.
So what does hyperspace look like, how has it been depicted by artists and how does that place tie back into our mental space? After all, we are most interested in cinematic experience - something happening inside the heads of our film audience and ultimately within the conscious experience and reality projection of the individual and collective audience members.
If all art is an attempt to picture the artist's internal world then picturing the place commonly defined as the Sanctus Sanctorum - the gateway to the Source of all thoughts and projections, the bridge to the higher self, the domed Hall of all potential - then it is indeed incredible relevant. It is, in that case, the only question. Do we ask ourselves, however, what we would do, say or ask once we have crossed the bridge, entered the portal, penetrated the veil, traversed the wormhole and conquered the vortex? The movie series The Matrix puts it well in the meeting of Neo, representative of the One who manages to step out of the construct, Trans-Cosmic Man, with The Architect, The GAOTU, Vishvakarman, Ptah, programmer of the fractal algorithm of our reality:
"The Architect: I am the Architect. I created The Matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also irrelevant.
Neo: Why am I here?"
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GAOTU - The Great Architect of the Universe, AKA Vishvakarman or Ptah |
Interestingly, the gateway to the central place, the higher realm and even the other side, is normally depicted and told to be in the Underworld or rather, in the Watery Deep - accessible from the underground. Its ruler is Osiris, father of Horus (the Son, the One, Adam Kadmon), husband of Earth Mother goddess Isis. Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla lies in Hel, the underworld. In Alice in Wonderland Alice goes down the Rabbit Hole, underground, into the dream realm that appears to mimic real life but in a more archaic way. Is this a journey to the Higher Self through the subconscious? Is the access to Heaven to be found in our dreams - in a very specific body and brainwave state? Yes, it is.
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The Triskele - the three circles - is a trinity and vortex symbol found throughout the world, finding its source in the timeless space of the Innerverse and the Mental Plane. |
In the movie 'Big Hero 6', as in 'Stargate', '2001: a Space Odyssey', 'Star Wars', 'Star Trek' and 'Interstellar', hyperspace is a wormhole or higher-dimensional space through which one can travel and possibly find higher dimensional-dwelling entities as well. Truth and purity appear to be defining factors to be found by lower dimensional entities (humans and robots) in these higher dimensions. The entry point looks different in all these movies, from a ring to a square door to a globe, while the location of this doorway is either on the planet's surface or in space, not so much in the Underworld - unless the regions of Saturn and Jupiter are to be considered Underworld locations (and they can easily be in fact).
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2001: a Space Odyssey hyperspace. |
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Current scientific representation of a wormhole. |
The most important part of dreaming is the acceptance of the dream world as real and/or forgetting the reference of the framework of the real world around one. This has nothing to do with the visual detail, realism or any kind of recognition of shapes and characters. We accept the dream as real in the moment of the dream because a mechanism has been switched off – or on – in our mind to accept the reality presented as 100% real. The same mechanism applies to our waking reality. As we perceive from within this experience we call reality, we have no reference point, no framework to verify how real this reality of our actually is. And it doesn’t matter because we accept it as 100% and go on with our lives within that acceptance. Accepting one’s environment as real has therefore everything to do with removing or activating a mental mechanism.
The only way to confirm the existence of the place across the bridge is to cross the bridge (the gateway, the wormhole, hyperspace) to the other side. While on the bridge, neither side can be confirmed as being real, while only memory serves to assert the place you just came from was real. Once crossed, however, only the current side can be confirmed as real again, as the side you came from is now nothing but a memory. It is the memory of a moment ago that serves as a touchstone of reality and a sense of self. The bridge, the Corpus Callosum at the center of the brain, then, is the physical starting point to truly work with this reality machine.
This depiction of Vishnu, too, is a depiction of Hyperspace, but much more ancient than that of modern film productions. Film productions refer to this type of imagery gladly, without necessarily implementing its power. In this Hindu image of our reality bubble, Vishnu is dreaming the great dream, the illusion that is Maya, and it emerges as a Lotus flower connected to an umbilical cord to his navel. Lying on the sea of pure potential, with Lakshmi by his feet, being more real than the dream, but Vishnu is focused on the dream, enchanted by its kaleidoscopic refracted mirror image. Notice the umbilical cord to Vishnu's navel: the Vishnu Nabhi, the singularity leading back to Source, the Point of Origin, the Central Sun, the Big Bang Omega point outside of Space and Time.
Being a sea of pure potential, anything and everything is possible. There is no structure or limitation and any sort of laws of physics or dimensions do not apply. It may not be a place to hang out for a relaxing time (outside of space, time, existence, identity, being, *any*thing) but to operate from this space clearly means any physical or mental application, adjustment or addition is absolutely no issue at all.
So how is this relevant to cinema, to film and television making? Storytelling IS opening the portal to Hyperspace, film making IS visualizing the dream for the wakeful state. As said, pretty much all films and television programmes produced to day may refer to this type of knowledge and understanding, its depictions and its narrative explanations, but working with and from this higher dimension 99.9% of film makers do not do. Since you are reading this, you may actually be interested in doing so, so do drop us a line!
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The 2001 gateway: the Black Monolith. Gate of the Sun, symbol of Isis: Ashera of the Rings. Standing on the Lion, personification of the Tree of Life, gateway to consciousness. |
In the Tron movie the other world is an electronic one, no less real for it however, but equally populated with shadow copies of the characters in the 'real' world (containing the electronic world). The access point is a laser beam (a concentrated light source generated through an EM field) and the way out is through a tower come pyramid structure come stargate / gateway in the outer reaches of the Tron Universe, accessed and operated through the user's identity disc (DNA, memory, consciousness, soul memories, Akashic records). Tron hints at the existence of other dimensions as previous or future realities or thought experiments of a (flawed) creator. But progress is possible and new realities are built upon the old mistakes through complete internal destruction, reset or external reboot / reprogramming.
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TRON as a creation story and a hint to the way in and out of Creation |
Remaining underground, the Matrix movie trilogy introduces a reversal of sorts (or is it?) and puts the dome (Cosmic Egg) of 'reality' labelled 'Zion' deep underground. It is a bubble of human existence under a world of machine-rebuilt upper ground world - a world that is still underneath a constant cloud cover that the machines cannot get through. Machine and Man fight in between these two levels and then also engage each other in a virtual reality, adding an extra layer of heaven as a sandbox for engagement and creation. Within the bubble of the dome, a beam of pure light as per Shiva's column of light within the Cosmos, powers the human city. This city has the layout of Adocentyn: the Four Gates, 12 sections, the Zodiac, the clock and the calendar. Saturn, the Time Keeper and Grim Reaper, rules here, for this is the domain of the dying flesh. Outside, the eternal machines rule as angels (brutal, human-killing and abusing angels) but the machines cannot exist without the humans and so they refrain from destroying them altogether, having turned their backs on their human creators. To get out of the virtual reality, Neo needs to take the Red Pill - a reference to Alice in Wonderland and DMT-related revelation of reality illusions. To get out of the bubble of the human reality, Neo needs to take a Merkabah ship out into the machine realm, and to escape this he needs to take the Merkabah above the cloud cover. However, in order to truly see beyond all these confines, Neo needs to be blind and see with his internal eye to observe and control the pure energy nature of all of the worlds between which he travels.
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Sentinels from The Matrix: notice the many tentacles and eyes, the serving without question of the absolute master to uphold top-down order and survivalist cyclical existence. Angelic attributes. |
A gateway offered by Duality in the form of the Trinity
Duality produces the possibility of the 'other', of the 'new', the child, of evolution, of combination and rejection. It is no surprise that to live in non-duality is considered to be the greatest good in Buddhist practice, as to be truly non-dual is to jump out of our reality altogether to a place of Oneness. Duality is the construct on which our reality is based because duality (a binary system of 1 and 0, of black and white) enables possibility versus non-possibility. How can a point exist if non-existence isn't there to contain it - within the same dimensional space, that is? A particle needs a vacuum to be in, even if that vacuum cannot be defined in terms of the particle - and nor can the particle be defined in terms of the vacuum. Still, the two polarities co-exist and allow each other to be. These two opposing or complementing forces, then, allow for the creation of a Third option by combining their aspects. The Mental Plane is projected as a third level and Mentalism becomes possible: The All is Mind, the Universe is Mental (Hermes Trismegistus). The great illusion as a dream, taking the shape of a Lotus flower springing from the navel of the Great Dreamer (Vishnu). Those are just names - the dreamer eventually turns out to be you yourself. You are the observer and the observed, the dreamer become the dream, the projector looking at its projection.
Mystery schools talk about three Suns, three lights, two pillars and a central staircase up to the Dove of consciousness, all observed by the great Eye. That is Duality creating the opportunity of a third, and also the opportunity to observe and exist from outside of the two possibilities, well above and beyond it. To be above the polarity, not to swing with the pendulum, not to be dragged along by the swirling vortex that appears to offer no alternatives - but to be in the calm of the center of the storm.
When we extend the concept of the Third Way as super-consciousness, above the system, from 2+1 to 3+1 and 4+1 it becomes clear all these different meditation systems and ways to describe reality are pointing in the very same direction. The way out of the swirl, seeing the forest for the trees, find a little piece of heavenly rest in the madness of the eternal Game. And a way to control the game rather than being a blind player in it - a pawn of duality.
Realizing the totality of the self (Atman) and the completeness within and without ourselves is taking a step into the center of the circle, of the projected sphere or Egg around us. The center of the storm - the Eye of the Storm, the singularity of the vortex. Stepping behind / out of the observation and then the observer himself and finding out a selfless, boundless, non-dual non-local core. Is that the way 'out'? Is non-existence, non-identity the place to go? It is a realization that will allow for complete acceptance, power over the self and your direct environment and then also a shaping of reality with the greatest ease and comfort. And that realization can be presented through film to an eager audience.
All is vortex, all is inward and outward spin. At the center a singularity point, a point of realization, consciousness, awareness, now, the center of time (and space). Observe the hints all around you - more often than not right in your face. It is pure simplicity in the form of ultimate complexity - how Paradox. Perhaps the door is the frame around it, perhaps it is the hole in the center, but most likely it is the realization there is a door rather than just a random set of meaningless factors.
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The Singularity and the Cosmic Egg |
How do you like your Cosmic Eggs in the morning? I like mine with a Spiderwoman's kiss. What's with the vortex and the two balloons? A clever little trick illustrates the game's construct:
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A fun little vortex game... |
Let's make some 5-D films now.
Written by Alexander Lentjes of 5DLux.